Welcome to our C2C Reset pricing page:
We are so excited to partner with you in your health and healing RESET!
C2C Reset 12 week course for group leadership team meetings (up to 30 people or 30 families)
Active duty military or veterans and their family members: FREE
Staff and/or leadership of non-profit organization:
General public:
$300.00 per person or $9000.00 for church hosting the 12 week course.
C2C Reset curriculum
Active duty military or veterans and their family members: $65.00 + S&H when applicable for set of 3 books per person.
Staff and/or leadership of non-profit organization:
$65.00 + S&H when applicable for set of 3 books per person.
General public: $65.00 + S&H when applicable for set of 3 books per person.